Dr. Andrew Saul writes,
A "Google" internet search for "hepatitis" will get you nearly four million responses; coincidentally, that is the approximate number of Americans with hepatitis C. So it's no wonder I get so many questions about this disease. Let us immediately cut to the chase:
Administered immediately and in sufficient quantity, vitamin C cures the entire hepatitis alphabet, A to E. Intravenous infusion of vitamin C may be necessary to do the job right.
Robert F. Cathcart, M.D., writes at his website, http://www.orthomed.com :
"Since acute hepatitis A, B, C, etc., is easily cured with massive doses of ascorbate, intravenously and with follow-up with oral ascorbic acid, it is tragic that it is not properly utilized. Hepatitis C is a special problem because only about a quarter of cases present as acute (when it would be easily cured). Chronic hepatitis C is more of a problem; however with massive doses of ascorbic acid orally, a no-sugar diet, vitamin E, selenium, silymarin (an antioxidant from milk thistle), and alpha lipoic acid among other nutrients, I have never seen a case to go onto acute hepatic necrosis or cancer of the liver."
I have personally known persons who took oral vitamin C to bowel tolerance and beat hepatitis. I have also seen a person fail with oral dosing alone, so do not take any chances with Hep. Get the IV."
HOW TO ARRANGE INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C http://www.doctoryourself.com/strategies.html