Pharmaceuticals Anonymous

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Statin Drugs Side Effects...

and the Misguided War On Cholesterol is an incredible book (an update of an the earlier book LIPITOR,® THIEF OF MEMORY, no longer available, now includes all statin side effects not just cognitive, hence a new a title and cover). A must read for anyone who is even remotely interested in how our sickness care, billed as health care, system works. Dr. Graveline, like many, obviously a very conscientious doctor, was suddenly faced with a number of dilemmas when he experienced transient global amnesia (memory loss) induced by Lipitor (one of the statin cholesterol lowering drugs). Interestingly the manufacturer even proclaims that there is no connection with its use to prevent heart disease or heart attacks yet the use of this useless drug continuers through slick marketing. For example:
"The Ontario government in Canada spends nearly 50% of its budget on health care, up from approximately 35% twenty years ago. In Canada $1.1 billion is spent on cholesterol lowering statin drugs like Lipitor each year. Ontario taxpayers spent $170 million for Lipitor in 2003-04." From NPI Daily <> June 21, 2005

More bad news on Statins and why you should avoid them here